peace • serenity • higher self
THE CROWN CHAKRA bracelet was created with amethyst, lepidolite and purple tigers eye. this bracelet is great for connecting to your crown chakra, bringing peace and connecting to your higher self.
the crown chakra represents your spiritual connection to yourself, others, and the universe. It also plays a role in your life’s purpose. located at the top of your head.
amethyst is a stone of inner peace. this powerful crystal is a perfect meditation tool to bring spiritual growth. amethyst symbolizes restful sleep and peaceful dreams.
lepidolite is a stone of transitions. this crystal is very peaceful, reminding you to be in the present moment. it works with the crown chakra.
purple tigers eye is a stone of insight. this crystal is perfect for bringing insight and removing mental blocks. it’s also great for courage and confidence.
the example photos are MEDIUM size.